Educational plan

These educational plans and programme descriptions refer to the A.Y. 2024/2025
Molecular biotechnology and bioinformatics (Classe LM-8)
Enrolled from 2016/2017 academic year (F1B)
First semester
Courses or activities ECTS Total hours Language SSD
Biotechnological Products and Processes 6 48 English CHIM/06 CHIM/11
Functional Genomics and Bioinformatics 10 88 English BIO/11 BIO/18
Methods in Bioinformatics 6 48 English INF/01
Molecular and Cellular Microbiology 6 48 English BIO/18 BIO/19
Rational Design and Structural Characterization of Bioactive Molecules 6 48 English CHIM/02 CHIM/06
Second semester
Courses or activities ECTS Total hours Language SSD
Advanced Molecular and Cellular Biotechnology 10 80 English BIO/06 BIO/11
Advanced Plant Cell Biotechnology 6 48 English BIO/04 BIO/18
Protein Engineering and Molecular Enzymology 6 48 English BIO/10
There are no specific sessions for these activities (e.g. open online courses).
Courses or activities ECTS Total hours Language SSD
English Proficiency B2 (3 ECTS) 3 0 English
Conclusive activities
Courses or activities ECTS Total hours Language SSD
Thesis Project and Final Dissertation 39 0 English
First semester
Courses or activities ECTS Total hours Language SSD
Bioimaging 6 56 English FIS/03 FIS/07
Biotechnological and Molecular Strategies in the Control of Parasites and Vector-Borne Diseases 6 48 English VET/06
Nanotechnology for Biomedical Applications and Biosensors 6 48 English CHIM/01 CHIM/06
Patenting and Technology Transfer 6 64 English AGR/01 IUS/01 IUS/04
Structural Bioinformatics 6 56 English BIO/10 BIO/11 FIS/07 INF/01
Second semester
Courses or activities ECTS Total hours Language SSD
Advanced Bioinformatics for Biotechnology 6 48 English BIO/11 INF/01
Macromolecular Structural Biology 6 64 English BIO/10
Molecular Breeding and Plant Genetics 6 48 English AGR/07 BIO/18
Optional activities and study plan rules
1 - The student must choose at least two of the following courses
Courses or activities ECTS Total hours Language Lesson period SSD
Advanced Bioinformatics for Biotechnology 6 48 English Second semester BIO/11 INF/01
Bioimaging 6 56 English First semester FIS/03 FIS/07
Biotechnological and Molecular Strategies in the Control of Parasites and Vector-Borne Diseases 6 48 English First semester VET/06
Macromolecular Structural Biology 6 64 English Second semester BIO/10
Molecular Breeding and Plant Genetics 6 48 English Second semester AGR/07 BIO/18
Nanotechnology for Biomedical Applications and Biosensors 6 48 English First semester CHIM/01 CHIM/06
Patenting and Technology Transfer 6 64 English First semester AGR/01 IUS/01 IUS/04
Structural Bioinformatics 6 56 English First semester BIO/10 BIO/11 FIS/07 INF/01
2 - The student must acquire 10 additional credits (CFU) choosing from any course offered by the University of Milan, provided that they are coherent to the topics of the MBB and the contents not overlapping with those of mandatory and guided through courses in the study plan.
Four credits can be acquired by carrying out a small project (100 hours) in a research laboratory, either at the University of Milan or at another structure. The project must be approved by the MBB Coordinator
There are no propaedeutic courses that limit progression from the first to the second year.